Iodine: content limited to what we believe we need to know about iodine in our daily life, based on our experience and readings.
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What is the purpose of eating an adequate level of iodine?

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All words below in italic are quoted from Health Direct (Australian Government website), unless otherwise stated.

Iodine helps the thyroid gland, in your neck, make the hormone thyroxine. Thyroxine controls many of the ways certain cells in your body work. Thyroxine is important for the growth of your bones and nerves, and how proteins, fats and carbohydrates are used in your body.

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Where is iodine naturally found?

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Seafoods such as oysters, snapper and seaweed have lots of iodine. Tinned salmon, bread, eggs, milk and milk products such as yoghurt also contain iodine.

Iodine is also added to many types of salt. You can check on the label. Iodised salt is now used in bread making. The packaging will tell you how much iodine the bread contains.

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What is a reasonable daily intake of iodine?

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How much iodine you need depends on your age and stage of life.
Stage of life Recommended daily intake for iodine (micrograms per day)
Children aged 1 to 8 90
Children aged 9 to 13 120
Adolescents aged 14 to 18 150
Pregnant women 220
Breastfeeding women 150
Other adult women 150
Adult Men 150
(Source: Food Standards Australia and New Zealand)
    Too little or too much iodine can cause problems:
  • Too little iodine may cause extreme tiredness, feeling cold, problems concentrating and hair loss. And without enough iodine, the thyroid gland may enlarge to form a goitre. It shows up as a lump in the neck.
  • Too much iodine (usually from supplements) can be dangerous for people with thyroid disorders.
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In our experience...

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Based on a diet where nearly no processed food is eaten, our iodine comes from the following sources: iodised rock salt and iodised table salt found in supermarkets and tinned salmon, eggs, yoghurt, and fresh seafood such as sardines, salmon, squid usually grilled or panned. So in summary I can't be bothered calculating my intake of iodine so I have to pay attention to changes in my body.
So find out what works for you ensuring you take care of your thyroid as it acts as your control box.